STUDENT SPOTLIght! isha & Sunvi
Isha And Sunvi receiving their Black Belt uniforms in Thousand Oaks, CA
Master Ocampo and Master Stolsig discussed who should be the next Student Spotlight. They decided it was those that exemplify the philosophy of the studio; those that truly do a great job on and off the mat. That’s when these two came to mind.
Meet Isha;
Isha is 8 and 11/12’s years old. Her spirit animal is a house cat. In addition to becoming a Tae Ryong Black Belt, she wants to become a chef and a singer. On her way to these goals, she enjoys coffee ice cream, star fruit, and round house kicks (dishing them out, not receiving). She wants everyone to know that it is ok to be different, and that everyone is special in their own unique way. That is what makes you an individual. We need lots of great individuals to help make our strong and happy community.
Meet Sunvi;
Sunvi is 10.5 years old. Her spirit animal is the wolf, but she says she is friendly. While lounging around veraciously reading, she loves to wolf down Cherry Garcia ice cream and passion fruit. A self-proclaimed logophile striving to become a large animal veterinarian, with authoring books as side hustle. She despises prejudice and isn’t afraid to stand up for others. Even co-authoring some round house kicks of justice with her sister.
Continue to strive, continue to learn, continue to make us proud.