student spotlight: abel trudeau viriato
Have you ever seen “THE KARATE KID”? of course you have.
Every Master secretly wants a “Daniel Larusso” under their wing. Someone that comes in with a clean slate, no experience, no major athletic accomplishment, but really great friends at school! The chance to mold this student and turn them into something fierce, confident, and a little smart alecky for (well-roundedness ;) is something I think TKD Masters can all get excited about.
Enter Abel!
ABEL at the 40th TR CUP!
As a beginner he did all the things we ask him to do! Practice, Focus, even COMPETE! Not every experience was “pain free” but neither was Larruso’s right? Fast forward to Abel today, 3 TOURNAMENTS later, a PROUD, FOCUSED, and CONFIDENT member of the Black Belt Program. There is a lot of wisdom in knowing exactly what your goal is and making the commitment to achieve it! If you ever get a chance to speak or train with Abel, sit back, and prepare for one of the funnest training partner experiences.
Wax ON!