

Students must earn the Philosophy stripe first. The philosophy of Taekwondo is what makes it more than a SPORT but a Way of Life. Memorizing and demonstrating knowledge of your Philosophy shows that you aren’t just coming to class, kicking and punching.You are FOCUSED on what you should be training at that belt level. This will best prepare you for Black Belt.


Forms is the next stripe to achieve. Knowing your forms show that you are aware of your current belt level's techniques. Doing your forms well will show that you are ready to learn higher belt techniques. Your forms stripe is proof that you can perform proper technique for your current belt and previous ones.


The Curriculum stripe is very similar to forms stripe except it includes other techniques that are not in your FORM -  such as Kicks, Combinations and overall sharpness. Achieving your curriculum stripe shows that you WANT to move on to the next belt. Time alone does not provide improvement. Effort is essential.


The Sparring stripe is to engage the students in the application of the techniques they have been training on during the quarter. Experience is a great teacher as well, so it is important to participate in as much sparring as possible. This will greatly increase self confidence, the ability to defend oneself and bring out many more benefits to Taekwondo training.


7 Home Rules for children