Meet our newest member in the Black Belt Program, a GOAL oriented and systematic approach to teach a student the skills required to become a CHAMPION IN LIFE. Milod Amin, 2nd Green Belt, is a freshman at Brentwood School and quickly becoming a powerhouse in Tae Ryong. He is the self proclaimed GOAT at science and will blow your mind about outer space! He is quick and adept at sparring so watch out for him at this year’s competitions and rumbles!
Here are 3 Q's for MILOD AMIN:
What interested you in joining Tae Ryong Taekwondo? “Honestly, I was always interested and the school was really close ”
2. How has your life improved since? “Taekwondo has improved my life physically and mentally. I have more friends now and have a lot of fun working out!”
3. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give ? “Do Taekwondo and GO REGULARLY for having the most FUN!”